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A Punch Heard 'Round-The-World

The video is staged but WTF. It reflects how many Britons are feeling these days. Click on the image to view. Source: Youtube

The Far-Right Responds

In real life, the soldier would likely be charged with assault and jailed. Next, he would be demoted and awarded a dishonourable discharge. He would simultaneously be tried in the mainstream media for racism and Islamophobia. He would be contacted by police who want to "know his thoughts." His life prospects would be ruined.

For citizens of the United Kingdom, their future has become truly Orwellian.

Why would this hypothetical soldier be punished for essentially doing his duty to king and country? Because in Britain and other Western democracies, it's the victim who gets blamed for the crime. If you're raped, they point out that you didn't fight back, which reduces culpability for your assailant. If your assailant is a migrant and claims he didn't know that rape was a crime in this country, then he gets off without jail time. You, on the other hand, remain traumatized for life.

Source: X

If you've been mugged or home invaded, they give you a case number for your insurance claim then fuck off back to the station house for coffee and donuts. If you were among the half million teenage victims of Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs, their response has been scripted in advance: "There's nothing we can do." This is, in fact, the recent history of policing in the United Kingdom whose leaders have declared a hands-off policy when it comes to migrants in general and Muslims in particular.

What the heckler is doing in the video violates the draconian hate laws in force in the United Kingdom, although those laws are, in practice, only directed against whites. Even pointing out this anomaly is deemed an offense.

Social unrest is what happens when politicians refuse to take ownership of their failed policies.

It's not like they haven't been advised on immigration by their own in-house experts such as former Conservative Home Secretary Suella Braverman, or warned by esteemed academics such as  Christopher Hitchens, and David Starkey, There is no mystery around the spike in assaults, knife crimes, sword attacks, rapes, and suicide bombings, or the inability of the social safety net and national healthcare system (NHS) to absorb such large numbers. It's not like they didn't have a mandate from voters for Brexit to scale back immigration to manageable levels.

It's not as if jihad-inspired British imams weren't transparent about their political agendas: the desconstruction of parliamentary democracy and the imposition of Sharia in the British Isles and on the continent. Kudos to them for honesty.

It's not that hundreds of British Muslim jihadis (thousands, if European-born jihadis from the continent are added) haven't swelled the ranks of ISIS, fought and killed British, French, and American soldiers in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, then returned home to be celebrated by their communities without repercussions from home governments.

It's not any of the above.

Instead, UK leaders are scared shitless of the country's already massive Muslim voter base and terrified by a decades-long epidemic of suicide bombings, assasinations, church burnings, stabbings, rapes, and mass murder emanating from that community. Britain's leadership simply doesn't know what to do.

Not knowing what to do, or knowing but lacking the courage to do it, means that you get what you get. In a best case scenario, Britons might luck out with a parallel, two-tiered legal system: Sharia for Muslims and English Common Law for everyone else, with the scales heavily weighted in favour of Sharia. Muslims will actually be more free than whites and other races in this polarized version of multiculturalim.

Coming soon to a town near you. The near total silence of Western feminists about these barbaric practices and their collective' failure to advocate for the rights of Muslim women, even in Western host countries, is so shameful as to completely undermine their judgment and discredit their movement.

How the rest of the civilized world will view slave trading in the Saturday farmers market and barbaric punishments inflicted in public spaces throughout Tottenham, Rotherham, Huddersfield, Keighly, Rochdale, Lutton, Whitechapel, and other districts that are already no-go areas for white women is easy to predict. Britain will become a failed state and a pariah nation, humiliated and shunned by its still-free peers in the international community. Americans, with their free speech (First Amendment rights) and their guns (Second Amendment rights) will thank their ancestors for having broken away from England in 1776.

America stepped forward to pull Britain's fat out of the fire in the 1940s after the UK government's failed policy of appeasing Hitler. Are they willing, or even able, to do it again in this new century?

The two (actually three) pillars of human society

In a previous essay, I pointed out the sheer madness of attacking what are the twin pillars of every human community on the planet: its religion and its women. The third pillar, of course, is the cemetery, a favourite target of jihadis and Neo-Nazis where the symbols of a culture and religion can be defaced with impunity, usually under cover of darkness. It's a real challenge to set fire to a cemetery, but with so many churches to choose from, why even bother?

Rather than tackling what promises to be Britain's greatest challenge for survival since World War II, the Starmer government choses to blame the British people for opening their borders to a mass migration on a scale never before witnessed in human history. As if nobody had voted for Brexit. I mean, what were they thinking? What are they thinking?

When a member of the country's armed forces, and a red-coated King's guard to boot, loses it, what can anyone expect of the nation's other 44 million white guys? If taunting a white palace guard isn't racism, then what is? Would that cheeky African have done the same were the guard a Black soldier, a "bro"?

It's quite likely that he would have, mumbling something about Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Uncle Tom.

Yeah, yeah. I know it was all staged, a rather sick comedy routine. But was it really? The actors, both Black and white, had a major point to make.

More distressing than high level conspiracies to take over a government or the low level desecration of churches and cemeteries, the sex crimes perpetrated on a society's women draws the most vicious response from any offended community. Imagine the response from the Muslim community were Mulsim women heckled, harassed, stalked, and raped on the same scale by white British men.

The recent rape and murder of 15-year-old Holly Newton is a case in point. British authorities refuse to disclose the name of the teenager found guilty of this horrendous crime, simply because it doesn't fit the Starmer-approved narrative. Sure, he's a juvenile. I get it.

Some commentators point out that the killer is an indigenous lad but what exactly does "indigenous," a word generally used to denote brown and black persons under colonial rule (i.e., American and Canadian "Indians" or the Incas of Peru) actually mean? In the broadest sense, indigenous means anybody born in the UK, such as the purpetrator of the recent Taylor Swift event child murders that sparked the current outbreak of rioting. Another example of police refusing to disclose the name or ethnicity of the perpetrator.

Has nobody attended the court hearings and seen the accused? If he's a white person, then why feed the conspiracy mills? Why pretend when there's nothing to hide? Most Britons merely want to see justice done without the smoke and mirrors.

The weapon used to stab Holly Newton 36 times. Image source: Northumberland police.

In any case, the Starmer narrative is doing non-white communities a huge injustice by letting the public imagination run amok. Or are they simply covering their own incompetent arses? Holly's stalker was reported to police but they did nothing to protect her.

Monitoring both sides in a conflict

As a working class descendant of immigrants who grew up on Chicago's South Side (where the crime rate is 41.27 per 1,000 residents during a standard year) during the 1940's and 50s, I try to keep an open mind regarding racism and human conflict. I remind myself that all humans, regardless of skin colour or choice of faith, are just monkeys after all. One learns this rather quickly on the mean streets of the "Windy City."

I try to stay informed. I give Al-Jazeera its due, read the ultra-woke New York Times and The New Yorker, and get my so-called Far-Right perspective from political non-binaries such as Douglas Murray and Konstantin Kissin. If you haven't heard of those two, then no problem. They probably won't change your mindset anyway. Why? Because there can't be a "solution" to the United Kingdom's and European Union's migrant crisis until these countries jettison a traitorous ruling class that has betrayed their national religion, national language, and the values their "indigenous" populations developed over many centuries. How these overly entitled cliques think they might survive under Sharia is anyone's guess.

I also listen to the Muslim side.

I recently viewed a podcast hosted by a young British Muslim woman content creator interviewing a British Muslim activist. Both are university graduates born and raised in the UK, although you wouldn't deduce this from their rhetoric.

The woman isn't wearing burqua or hijab. On the contrary, she is attractively made-up and coiffed and sporting the latest trendista clothing. I'll call them "moderate Muslims" for the sake of argument but certainly not of the Salman Rushdie, Tariq Ali, or "ex-Muslim" variety.

These two social media influencers are responsible for having mobilized large numbers of young Muslim men whenever there was any indication of stirring by British whites and members of other races or religions such as occurred following the Southam murders. They live for confrontation with the largely imaginary Far-Right. They are, in every sense, leaders of Keir Starmer's goon squads both online and off.

The male half of this dynamic duo declares that, by mobilizing hundreds or even thousands of angry Muslim men to provoke and streetfight the largely peaceful white protestors, he's effectively protecting his mother and sister. From all indications, neither mom nor sis have any voice. They are likely sitting at home with the drapes drawn so they cannot be viewed by horny males, then donning their burquas when sallying forth to Muslim-only markets for halal shopping. I will give the dude's parents credit for at least allowing their son a university education, but apparently all he studied were activist subjects.

A clear case of having just enough education to be dangerous.

In the face of the Orwellian "hate speech" laws in the UK, I shall refrain from mentioning names or providing a link to the podcast or their personal websites, not because I fear the police, but because I refuse to support rabble rousers of any race or religion.

Firing the first shot (or throwing the first punch)

Call this palace guard's tanking of a Black heckler prophetic.

As happened in Spain in 1936, whenever a civilian government fails to cope with escalating unrest in the country, it's usually the military that steps in. The police then become militarized and it's off to the races (not a pun). Bloodshed follows.

Once total control is attained, the generals are never willing to step back out. The military of most nations views itself as above politics and, by extension, above the civil law. It has taken an oath to the nation, to its King, and to its Constitution (if there is one), and that's that. The military's ultimate loyalty is to the soil, not to any specific system of government or religion, although in some cases religion plays a role. If putting you and me below the sod suits its purpose, it will do so with no qualms whatsoever.

Spaniards are still unearthing the remains of their Republican grandparents from mass roadside graves where they were massacred by agents of Generalissimo Francisco Franco. The almost 40 years from 1939 until the death of the Spanish dictator have been rightly called "The Black Years (Años Negros)."

"We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship." - George Orwell, 1984

Not far from my home is an ancient Roman wall where the agents of Generalissimo Francisco Franco shot some five thousand former supporters of the Spanish Republic, a government elected by popular vote in 1933. One can still collect spent slugs and empty cartridge cases from the surrounding soil although there is a bronze plaque recently erected that commemorates the victims. The dead were comprised of ordinary people whose names appeared on the 1933 voter registration lists, including the town's mayor and chief of police, and a slew of minor functionaires, many of whom were "politically non-binary." No matter. Anybody who opposes the new narrative becomes and enemy of the state and worthy of death.

Many contemporary Spaniards proudly admit that they and their families are still "Franquistas." Why? Because the leftwing-dominated Second Spanish Republic (1933-39) failed to deliver on the basic social contract. Agents of the Far-Left burned churches and murdered priests. Subgroups among the Left fought armed street battles amongst themselves and assassinated centrists. The Republic could have defeated the Franquistas and their German and Italian allies in battle had they not squandered their resources in ideological struggles for power amongst themselves.

All this occurred in a traditionally Christian, super-Catholic country. Now, just look at Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan to see what one gets under Islamic rule. Here is where the UK - and other Western countries if they don't wake up - is headed: Far-Left totalitarianism, Islamic totalitarianism, or a hideous combination of these two worst case scenarios.

There is no difference between Left and Right

Despite what our political leaders, the mainstream media, and today's intellectually-compromised academia insist, the political spectrum is not flatline. Instead, the curve is circular. Go far enough to the Left and you arrive at the Far-Right. At this intersection we get the totalitarianism predicted by George Orwell in his prophetic novel "1984."

By the way, Orwell was a veteran of the Spanish Civil War. He's surely rolling over in his grave at the ascendance of authoritarian Keir Starmer with Tommy Robinson as his "Emmanuel Goldstein."

So, I ask myself: What is the actual meaning of slogans like "Queers for Palestine"? Does the gay community think it can safely visit Palestine, or anywhere in the Muslim world, once Hamas expunges all Jews "from the river to the sea" and Islamic fundamentalists establish Sharia across the Levant, Middle East, Africa, and eventually the entire planet? How might they fare under Sharia as a parallel legal system in the UK, a poltical objective that over 40% of British Muslims claim to support (as per Pew Research Centre)?

How does intersectional feminism expect to achieve its goal of defeating the patriarchy if it aligns with a religion whose main pillar is gender apartheid?

More importantly, how does Prime Minister Keir Starmer expect to quel unrest among the 60% of non-Muslim Britains if he cannot bring the escalating suicide bombings, murders, stabbings, and rapes - mostly perpetrated by migrants and radical Islamists against whites - under control? Like Marxism and communism, blaming the victim has never worked but hey, let's try it one more time.

And where are King Charles III and Queen Camilla hiding? Under their solid gold bed?

Everybody in this worrisome scenario is despicable, from the sabre rattling British imams to those overly entitled denizens of Downing Street.

If I were that soldier, I'd throw my fur hat into the gutter and toss cowardly King Charles the bird. King and Country? Total Bollocks.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” ― George Orwell, 1984

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