This woman has gone missing. Please contact police if you have seen her anywhere.
Islam has always been a zero-sum game for women.
How is it, then, that intersectional feminism expects its latest pact with darkness to bring equal rights and opportunities to its subscribers? If anyone has a coherent explanation, then please leave it in the comments section of this article. Thanks in advance.
What inspired this question was a somewhat dated article published in The Independent in 2013. A well-known Saudi Imam brutally tortured and raped his five year-old daughter but served only a few months in custody awaiting a judgement that ordered him to pay £31,000 (USD $40,900) in blood money to the girl's mother (his wife) whom he is presumably still raping. The man was then freed and continues to preach the virtues of honour killings. The settlement is only half the money that would have been paid to the woman had her child been a boy.
Fayhan al-Ghamdi is a "celebrity" preacher in the style of Jerry Falwell, only sporting a beard and, if the Quran is to be taken literally, riding a flying horse. The motive for al-Ghamdi's murderous attack on the little girl was that he questioned her virginity. According to medical staff and social workers, little Lama suffered a crushed skull, broken back, broken ribs, and a broken left arm. She was raped and burnt. The assailant admitted to having used a cane and cables after taking his daughter to a doctor.
If the doctor's opinion was correct, then who deflowered the little girl in the first place? There is no mention of whether the little Lama had earlier undergone female genital mutilation (FMG) but, given her circumstances, it would be highly unusual if she hadn't. From a child abuse standpoint, her abbreviated life amounted to a five-year nightmare.
In a worst case scenario where premeditated murder is proven beyond any doubt, Muslim fathers cannot be executed for murdering their children. Neither can they be executed for murdering their wives; hence, the much-heralded "honour killings."
A British Muslim Imam lectures on how to execute a woman. Fayhan al-Ghamdi found justification for raping and murdering his daughter in his own holy books.
The sad story of Lama took place in Saudi Arabia in 2013. Saudi Arabia is one of the most advanced Muslim countries in terms of national wealth, far ahead of its neighbours in the Islamic pantheon of nations. For the sake of argument, let's call the Saudis "moderates." Nonetheless, Saudi buyers are notorious for attending ISIS slave auctions.
Apologists such as Leila Ahmed point to a hijacking of the Quran during the Umayyad (661-750 CE) and Abbasid (750-1258 CE) dynasties and reshaping of the religion through vertical restructuring into a politico-religious movement that reduced women, who allegedly had enjoyed more or less equal status with men, to the status of a commodity under a gender apartheid that has only become more restrictive over the centuries.
Wherever fundamentalist Islamic regimes have persisted, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and even Gaza, public resources are allocated to keeping women ignorant, barefoot, pregnant (e.g., comparatively high reproduction rates), and out of sight. With rare exceptions, women are thoroughly subdued and their essential needs ignored, while armaments expenditures and militarization exceed the cost of healthcare and education. Universities in more advanced Muslim-ruled countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran either exclude women entirely or are rigidly segregated. In Afghanistan, where a 20-year, $2.2 trillion American-led onslaught that left hundreds of thousands of dead and injured and drove millions of refugees into neighbouring countries and the European Union, there is no secondary or university education for women, and even a sketchy primary school education for girls is discouraged.
There are women-only markets, women-only public gardens, and roped-off areas for pious women in the dank basements of mosques in these countries, while schools – where they are available to women at all – are rigidly segregated with separate curriculum for boys and girls. Men are encouraged to remain at mosques after Friday services to enjoy the Sharia-imposed whippings, amputations, beheadings, and skull crushings that follow, while the women are sent home to their domestic tasks or to sit idly in darkened rooms with the curtains drawn.
The extent of women’s rights under Sharia in Iran. A condemned woman is offered a sip of water before being stoned to death.
Maternal and infant mortality rates are twice higher in Muslim-ruled countries than elsewhere while literacy rates are far lower. Gender apartheid results in intellectually and emotionally stunted women whose mental and physical health is damaged by an anti-humanist, patriarchal culture frozen in the seventh century. To be female in any Islamic community is to experience the most nightmarish form of totalitarianism even within Western countries such as ultra-woke Canada where secular judges routinely defer abused women back to Muslim religious authorities under a national policy of multiculturalism. Even in the West, there is no escape from beatings and honour killings.
The situation in the United Kingdom, with its "hands-off Muslims" approach to policing, is even worse. According to Labour MP Sarah Campion, a half-million, predominantly white underage girls and women have been gang raped by organized Pakistani Muslim "grooming gangs" with practically zero interest on the part of the establishment. "Grooming gang," like the term "Islamophobia," is a red herring. "Grooming" is white slavery on a massive scale, echoing the white sex slave trade of the 18th and 19th centuries that was wholly controlled by Muslim Arabs.
Please click on the image to read the article.
How these are not hate crimes baffles many at a time when taking the knee is trending. Many grooming gang victims have testified that their abusers forced them to take the knee and lick their feet, calling them "white garbage" and using the term "Paki-shagger" as loosely as American Blacks refer to one another as "niggers." The West in general, and Islam in particular, have clearly lost their moral compass.
Female gentila mutilation (FGM) notwithstanding, those suffering the worst aspects of Islam are Muslim women immigrants in Western countries. Under pressure from their community, devout Muslim mothers are compelled to literally murder sons and daughters who become "apostate," that is, have adopted Western values, dress, and social behaviour.
How devout Mulsim women are turned into sex slaves and suicide bombers
The centuries-old story of gender apartheid has taken an unanticipated turn, although the signposts were there all along. One need only consider the enthusiasm and cruelty of some 3,500 Nazi women concentration camp guards and further millions of female supporters of the Third Reich, or the thousands of Israeli women advocating land theft and the scourge of illegal Jewish settlement in the West Bank, to understand the role of women in perpetuating systems that ultimately lead to their own oppression.
So, here's the twist.
Despite the gender apartheid embedded in the Quran, hadiths, and safirs, more women are joining Islamist suicide bomber ranks than ever before. Sure, there’s the 72-virgin thing for male martyrs, but no similar reward awaits female martyrs in the Hereafter.
Nothing new about that. Islam has always been a zero-sum game for women. A female suicide bomber, therefore, represents the ultimate example wherein a person or group (i.e., male leadership of a religion or cult) wins something (power and riches) by causing another person or group (women adherents) to lose something (life itself).
Why do they do it?
First, there is the cradle-to-grave submission to a system that brainwashes its adherents into believing that their only chance to dodge the flames of Hell in the Hereafter is to follow in lockstep conformity during their earthly life. Any transgression of the norm, such as a Muslim woman choosing a secular lifestyle in a Western country, or even refusing to wear the hijab, is deemed apostacy and attracts death threats or actual murder from amongst members of her immediate family. Because a Muslim mother believes that her soul will be consigned to Hell if she raises an apostate son or daughter, she is compelled by her community and Sharia law to literally kill the errant offspring, thereby releasing her own soul from impending punishment. Islam is a monster that eats its own children.
According to the Global Terrorism Database and other reliable sources, there have been over 150 incidents of female suicide bombings affiliated with Boko Haram (the long arm of ISIS in Nigeria) alone, the youngest bomber having been seven years-old. According to the hadiths (scriptures pertaining to the life of Muhammed), the Prophet’s favourite wife Aisha was six years-old (same age as Lama) when he married her and nine when he deflowered her. Had explosives existed in the seventh century, would she have volunteered to blow herself to smithereens to further her 52-year-old husband’s programme of world domination? And how much agency does a seven-year-old suicide bomber enjoy, anyway?
Another reason for the phenomenon is that women are often recruited by force through kidnappings and abductions. In only one example from 2014, Boko Haram kidnapped 276 young women from the Government Girls Secondary School in the Nigerian town of Chibok. Some radical Islamist groups have found a workaround to the prohibition regarding enslavement of practicing Muslim women by declaring that any Muslim not supporting their political aims is apostate and therefore an “unbeliever” worthy of death as are Christians and Jews. Leaders such as Abubakar Shekau consider themselves prophets in the style of Muhammed, authorized by God to formulate new hadiths that further their personal and political goals. Now, even pious Muslim women are vulnerable to enslavement and wholesale rape.
Abubakar Shekau announcing Boko Haram's abduction of 276 Nigerian schoolgirls. Video screengrab from May 2014.
Most importantly, there is no economic outlay in recruiting females from amongst these captured women who are considered spoils of war according to the Quran (“those whom your right hands possess”), who can be raped or killed without repercussions. Once captive and without recourse to liberation, poorly educated and illiterate women often sign on as militants to escape the cycle of rape as well as gaining money, respect, and status. In this thoroughly pragmatic way, they adapt to their new environment. Apparently, anything is better than life as a sex slave, sold and resold until past her best-before date, then murdered in a ditch.
Refusing to submit to sexual slavery often leads to execution.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group has burnt 19 Yazidi girls to death in Mosul for refusing to submit to sex slavery. The cage was doused with gasoline and ignited. Screengrab via YouTube
According to Human Rights Watch, Al Sunnah wa Jama’ah (ASWJ) and Al-Shabab (ISIS in Africa) have trafficked over 600 young girls and women to fund insurgency with prices ranging from USD $600 to $1800. Lighter skinned Black women bring higher prices while Indians and white women are even more valuable, bringing higher ransoms from their families. The un-ransomable, darker-skinned, mostly illiterate women from local villages are likely to join the militants’ ranks as bed partners, fighters, and suicide bombers.
A clear and present danger
The most worrisome aspect of this gender shift in the makeup of Islamist terror groups is that women can more easily infiltrate targets undetected and are less likely to be suspected or searched for weapons. Citizens of Western countries are unaccustomed to mass violence perpetrated by women who are assumed to be caring, nurturing, and nonviolent by nature. Protest marches, yes. Suicide bombings, no.
Conflicted post-WWII court rulings in the cases of former female Nazi concentration camp guards and collaborators, a handful of whom were eventually hanged while the majority were released unpunished, confirms society’s disbelief that women could ever do real harm, never mind becoming suicide bombers.
Compare public reaction to a woman with a backpack behaving suspiciously to a male with a backpack behaving suspiciously, both in the same public space. Call it profiling. Call it whatever, but women will always enjoy the benefit of the doubt even while engaging in murder and mayhem.
After the events of October 7, 2023 in Israel, European countries have experienced a dramatic uptick in Islamist terrorism and hate crimes against Jews, Christians, and non-conforming Muslims, coinciding with the influx of Muslim migrants and refugees. Police can expect to find more women perpetrators in their dragnets as jihadism gains ground everywhere in the world.
Church and synagogue bombings perpetrated by women are becoming commonplace throughout Africa and South Asia. Meanwhile, female migrants are more easily accepted into Western countries, especially when accompanied by children who, a few years later, “find their faith,” then join their parents in targeting Western institutions and murdering innocent civilians. Every radical Islamist, every terrorist, has a pious mother. According to his mother, the British-born Manchester Arena suicide bomber (22 dead, 1,017 injured) had merely "found his faith."
22 Innocent young persons were murdered, and hundreds more seriously injured in the Manchester Arena bombing.
Not only are women joining radical Islamist cells to carry out terror attacks but an extremely young population or "youth bulge" in Muslim-ruled countries that have very high levels of direct or disguised unemployment is flooding the terrorist cells with both male and female recruits in unprecedented numbers. Some estimates put youth unemployment in Tunisia at 40%. Similar levels of desperation are typical outside petrodollar-rich countries such as Qatar (Palestine = 43 percent, Saudi Arabia = 42 percent among nationals, Jordan = 36 percent).
Worse, unemployment among women in Muslim-ruled countries is 80 percent higher than men while the worldwide average is 20 percent higher. What better way to rectify a young person’s unpromising future than by pledging allegiance to an international terror network that promises power, riches, and (in the case of males) unlimited access to women’s bodies both now and in the Hereafter?
The argument can be made that whatever people do in their own countries – behaving like barbarians and fools if they wish – is their own silly business; however, that is not the nature of Islam which emphasizes spreading the faith through coercion and “by the sword” until all humankind is subjected to Sharia.
“There should be some kind of fear in the western world, one of the causes of which is that since the time it first appeared in Makkah, Islam has never decreased in numbers, rather it has always continued to increase and spread. Moreover, Islam is not only a religion, rather one of its pillars is jihad.” – Muslim World Magazine
“There will come a day when we will see far more radicals, extremists and terrorists coming out of Europe because of lack of decision-making, trying to be politically correct, or assuming that they know the Middle East or Islam, and that they know other things far better than we do.” – Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, United Arab Emirates
When did the current Crusade against Islam actually begin?
To my current knowledge, no Western country has formally or informally declared war on Islam, at least not during the past thousand years. Instead, Western taxpayers continue to fund massive amounts of food, medicines, and other humanitarian aid to basket case countries and territories under both Islamist and Israeli control, the most noteworthy being Gaza. On the opposite hand, jihadis are proactive aggressors in a world struggling to establish lasting peace despite a growing and extremely fragile nuclear balance of terror.
A quarter century has passed since the 9/11 massacre. What continues to motivate these young men and even some women, all in the prime of life, to carry out these atrocities despite the inherent personal risks?
Sure, one can understand the lure of a 72-virgin reward for male martyrs in the Hereafter, but what of females? According to the Quran, the most a woman martyr might expect is to be reunited for eternity with the righteous husband of her previous life which, as the example of child murderer Fayhan al-Ghamdi suggests, promises to be a wholly unrewarding experience. As American comedian Woody Allen wryly observed: "Eternity can be a very long time, especially toward the end."
The key to understanding the usefulness of female martyrs lies in the Islamist obsession with obtaining atomic weapons, the latest addition to the balance of terror being “The Muslim Bomb.”Pakistan has one. Iran wants one. Iraq wanted one but, well, things just didn’t work out.
Should Iran or any of its clients such as Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, or Yemen’s Houthis somehow get their paws on nuclear weaponry (that is, if they don’t already have it), will anyone step forward in protest? Faced with the prospect of nuclear Armageddon, will Europeans and Americans of all religions and political stripes, including moderate Muslims, rally to confront these barbarians at the proverbial gates, or instead exhaust themselves debating about what gender pronoun to call them?
Now, the main problem with nuclear weaponry is the lack of a suitable delivery system. The idea of “suitcase nukes,” however, takes the ISIS threat both outside and inside Western countries to a whole new level of terror. Here's where women come in.
Image by Jürgen Grunau from Pixabay, modified by author
"There's nothing sexier than a female martyr with a suitcase nuke."