Please click on the image to view the video. Source: X
WARNING! The images and ideas contained in this essay may be considered racist, Islamophobic, zenophobic, and whatever-phobic.
The growing ex-Muslim movement in the West is threatened with extinction, not only by the Muslim community itself, but also by Western politicians and the mainstream media.
Thousands of former, as well as many still-pious, Muslims are engaged in a life-or-death struggle with their coreligionists, endeavouring to move the faith from gender apartheid, a chaotic system of arcane punishments, and the calling for destruction of all non-believers, toward a more relevant alignment with advances in science, technology, and current thought.
They want, and indeed deserve, a return to the compassion and empathy that is embedded in the Quran, as well as integration with Western democratic systems of governance wherein the human and civil rights of both women and men are acknowledged and applied equally under a common system of law. They argue that Islam was not always sexist. By their personal role models, they have proven capable of adopting new, alternative values consistent with their adoptive nationalities. Nonetheless, until their Islamist brethren welcome Jean-Jacques Rousseau into their pantheon of prophets, East and West will remain forever at odds, if not at war.
Unfortunately, moderate and ex-Muslims appear to be in the minority, even in the West. Those who condemn the sword and forego the hijab in favour of Western customs and systems of thought face alienation, ostracism, physical assault, and murder within their ethnic communities.
In the wake of the recent murders at Southport and the Manchester airport incident, with the Manchester Arena bombing and numerous other migrant-linked and religion-driven atrocities as a backdrop, the questions on everyone's mind are:
"Is multiculturalism even possible? If so, then how? If not, then why not?"
War on the West
Many non-mainstream (non-lamestream?) pundits have warned leaders of the Western democracies for decades about the negative impact of uncontrolled, mass immigration from countries wherein tribalism, incest, abuse of women and non-cisgender persons, intolerance, institutionalized violence, and religious fanaticism, are embedded in the culture.
While subscribers to other religions (Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Taoism, Animism, and practically every other -ism) have successfully integrated into Western European and American society, and whose second and third generations have proven more European and American in their outlook, behaviour, and contributions to society than so-called native sons, Islam remains the lone outlier. It has been labelled "the motherlode of bad ideas" for good reason.
First and foremost amongst the bad ideas is the Quran's call to subscribers to convert or kill all Christians and Jews (Kaffars), wherever they find them. Every contemporary Islamist movement is dedicated to the annihilation of world Jewry.
Among the prophets of doom and gloom, British journalist and author Douglas Murray (The War on the West) is a self-styled spokesperson for those who once knew a gentler, more civilized Britain. I'm a great fan of Murray, among others sounding the same warnings, as he places Muslims and other immigrants to Britain in proper context and supports his thesis with facts and figures. In other words, Murray tells it like it is. As a social scientist and contrary to criticism from the Left, he remains, in the profoundest sense, politically non-binary.
Douglas Murray is not against immigration per se. His message is that, despite Prime Minister David Cameron's commitment to curb immigration under Brexit, Britain remains compelled by a residual commitment to European Union policy to accept whatever migrants turn up on its shores, while some 20 years of promises made by successive governments to reduce legal immigration down to absorbable levels have been entirely ignored. More illegal migrants arrive in Britain each year than arrrived legally throughout the 1990s when immigration began to ramp up, while some eight million pounds per day of taxpayers' money is spent on housing them. The British public, Murray insists, has a right to be indignant.
In terms of refugee policy, Murray's views are neither Right nor Left, but refreshingly pragmatic. Could not the eight million British pounds spent daily on housing illegal migrants in hotels and cheap housing, and millions more paid out in assistance cheques and other aid to asylum seekers be better spent on resettling bonafide refugees in safer, neighbouring countries to the associated conflicts, given that most dream of eventually returning home? Keep the turmoil in far away countries where it belongs . Don't ask already desperate people to sacrifice their religious beliefs and customs by assimilating to those of Western host countries in exchange for shelter. After all, much of the turmoil of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, has its roots in Western interference in the affairs of countries that most Brits and Americans couldn't find on a map.
Russian-born author, comedian, and podcaster Konstantin Kissin (An Immigrant's Love Letter To The West), himself an immigrant to the United Kingdom, elucidates the impact of an incompatible religion and culture on Western society generally and Britain in particular, from the unique perspective of an immigrant who fully appreciates, and has adapted to, his new homeland. Kissin takes issue with power-hungry, self-serving politicians such as Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who typically attribute the recent anti-migrant riots erupting across the UK to hate-mongering, right-wing agitators, rather than the logical consequence of what many respected social schientists have been warning about for decades: millions of new arrivals who insist on isolation and non-adaptation, perpetrate crimes, and strive to deconstruct the societies that welcome them.
A failed government that silences internal and external critics
Much of the responsibility for the current social unrest and rioting in the United Kingdom can be laid at the feet of the Conservative (Tory) Party and traced back to Labour via Boris Johnson, David Cameron and Tony Blair. Worse, the unholy alliance of the political elite with mainstream media and far-Left leaning academia has caused a degree of polarization never before seen in Western society. Meanwhile, the so-called working class is asking a legitimate question: "If you've lied to us about everything else, then why should we believe you now?" Even the shrinking, heavily sedated middle class is beginning to ask why anyone should even bother to vote when no party delivers on its campaign promises.
Those sittting on the power bases in the UK and, to a lesser extent, the USA, have branded non-mainstream critics of public policy like Douglas Murray, Konstantin Kissin, the late Christopher Hitchens, David Starkey, former Home Secretary Suella Braverman, and other advocates of clear thinking, reasoned debate, and rational public policy as "far-Right" and Fascist, while styling themselves as "Antifa." In fact, since before the Second World War, there has been no such thing as fascism or a truly far-Right sector in the United Kingdom or even the USA. Antifa, like The Protocols of the Elders of Sion, is a myth fabricated by the mainstream media out of whole cloth.
Holding the mainstream media hostage to their goals of dodging responsibility for failure to deliver on campaign promises, especially with respect to Brexit, and protecting their own privileged ethos, successive UK governments since the exit of Margaret Thatcher have both unwittingly and deliberately made characters like the legendary Tommy Robinson (not his real name) into folk heroes. By jailing mouthy critics like TR - arguably the Emmanuel Goldstein of our era - and even hacking their Wikipedia pages to villainize and push a false narrative, they are 150% culpable for the degradation of British infrastructure and quality of life, while fomenting social unrest and the very riots they blame on a far-Right comprised, in their estimation, mainly of low-brow soccer hooligans.
The British working class, as well as much of the more reticent middle class, is saying: "Enough is enough." They include millions of so-called moderate Muslims who don't advocate for a Caiphate in UK, Europe, or anywhere. They are just as appalled by the rapid dip in their quality of life and feel more and more insecure the longer the migrant crisis persists. They, or in many cases their parents or grandparents, didn't emigrate to Britain or the USA to create social turmoil.
Source: Youtube
Suella Braverman is a former Tory cabinet minister with a foot in both camps. The former Secretary of State for the Home Department (responsibile for immigration policy) was born in the United Kingdom, the daughter of East Indian parents who emigrated from Africa. What Braverman says in words is what millions among the so-called far-Right are saying by their presence in the streets, that an island with limited resources and that has outsourced most of its industry to China and the Third World, cannot continue to import a million and more migrants per year without risking societal collapse. With roads and bridges in decay, and new housing peaking at a maximum 100,000 units per year, there is simply no way to cope with millions of new arrivals without ghettoizing them. The pressure on public services and infrastructure is simply too great.
Like Tommy Robinson from the other end of the geniality spectrum, Braverman was sacked by her government and villainized for telling it like it is. In the final analysis, all she advocated was to reduce the inflow by taking measures to curb illegal immigration as promised, to allow the country time to absorb the millions of migrants already inside its borders, essentially a win-win proposition for all.
A question of incompatibility
Winston Churchill (1874-1965), the British national leader who saw the West through its most recent struggle with a cult regime bent on the annihilation of European Jewry and eventual enslavement of the entire world, viewed Islam through an equally critical lens:
“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.
“A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
“Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.” – Winston Churchill, The River Wars, An Historical Account of the Reconquest of Soudan, First Edition, 1899.
That was in 1899 while Orientalism was still the rage throughout Europe, before the scourge of Islamic fundamentalism was spawned in North Africa and the Middle East, and long before the term “suicide bomber” came into the lexicon.
Unknown image source, assumed public domain.
Islamist imam at a Birmingham mosque who calls for Sharia law in Britain explains how to stone a woman to death.
Can English Common Law or the civil and criminal codes of any democratic Western nation inundated by Muslim migrants be rejigged to encompass gender apartheid, polygamy, sex slavery, underage marriage, and honour killings, not to mention cruel and unusual punishments (whippings, amputations, stoning, and beheading)? Can institutionalized "grooming gangs" wherein large numbers underage girls are recruited for sex by Muslim men ever become part of mainstream Western culture?
Image source: Google search
Are the British middle classes, or even the stodgy ruling class, ready for slave trading at the Saturday Farmer’s Market and online?
Top left, "A Slave For Sale" by Jose Jimenez Aranda, 1897. Top right: Saudi buyers attend an ISIS slave auction in Syria. Bottom: self explanatory.
4Sale (for sale) Q8 (Kuwait) Thousands of sex slaves have been trafficked on the platforms 4Sale and Haraj. Google is deeply concerned and has pressured 4Sale to clean up its act. At time of writing, Haraj continues to trade in “domestic workers.” Screengrab via Google Play
ISIS, which recently declared that it will someday reconquer Cordoba, Granada, and Barcelona and re-establish the al-Andalus Caliphate in Spain and Portugal, says YES!
The streets of Libon have been taken over by undocumented migrants. Portugal's decriminalization of dangerous drugs has created a lucrative niche for traffickers as ISIS declares a new Caliphate in the Iberian Peninsula.
The ISIS decalaration bore bitter fruit in August of 2017 when a white rental van jumped the curb and raced along the median walkway, swerving back and forth on a lethal juggernaut that targeted terrified tourists along Barcelona's iconic boulevard "La Rambla." Thirteen people were killed and scores injured in the attack for which ISIS immediately claimed responsibility.
Soon after the Barcelona massacre, five jihadis were killed by Spanish police in Cambrils, only 75 miles to the southwest, after they drove into a crowd of pedestrians, injuring seven. The attackers wore explosive belts which police believe where inteded to be detonated during the La Rambla attack but failed for lack of coordination. Simultaneous with these attacks, ISIS issued a map showing all of newly conquered Spain and Portugal, which historically had been under Islam for some 700 years during the Middle Ages, as the new Caliphate.
The challenges of governing a Caliphate
Despite such grandiose plans for expansion, ISIS is struggling to regulate life in the territories they already hold, nevermind what they might encounter after reconquering Europe.
According to The Mirror, the wives of jihadis are complaining that their husbands spend too much money on their sex slaves. These ostensibly free ladies are seething with jealousy that their enslaved rivals are getting the best clothing, accessories, and American-made cosmetics which are always in short supply in ISIS-held territories. Some are even divorcing their husbands due to the preferential way they treat their slaves.
Perhaps they need couples counselling? But it gets even better (or worse).
These hen-pecked slaveowners are using American-made mobile phone apps to buy, sell, and trade their slaves, with virgins priced at USD $10,000 and prepubescent girls even more. Unfortunately, like luxury cars, 12-year-old virgins depreciate after the first ride.
What does the foregoing have to do with the current crisis of migration into the UK and the rest of Europe? The answer is: everything.
This is Muhammed, an illegal immigrant from Iran caught by pedophile hunters for attempting to lure a 12 year-old white British girl. Source: X
Sexual slavery is, in fact, what has been happening in the United Kingdom among the grooming gangs in Rotherham, Huddersfield, Keighly, Rotterham, and other districts. While over 1,000 Pakistani Muslim men have been arrested and placed on trial for participation in what is a poignant example of ethnic-based organized crime involving massive exploitation and abuse of underage girls almost all of whom were "white," only a handful of the accused were convicted by a goverment that is terrified of being labelled racist or Islamophobic. According to Labour MP Sarah Champion, who investigated the phenomenon of police inaction vis-a-vis Muslim grooming (rape) gangs, the actual number of victims approaches one million with no end in sight.
Some see it as the thin edge of a very dangerous wedge. After all, Britain was among the first Western nations to which outlaw Black slavery that, if historians are to be believed, was entirely controlled at source by Muslims. The "white slave" trade of previous centuries was the historical precursor of present day grooming gangs operating on both domestic and international scales. It took a 19th-century coalition of European and American military forces to put an end to that era. The difference is that historically white slavers operated outside the UK and other European countries. Today's threat comes from within home borders.
Britain's de facto system of "two tiered" policing shamelessly advocates a "hands-off Muslims" mandate. Politicians and authorities fear not only loss of votes, but a fierce backlash from the Muslim community should they attempt to enforce the law or interfere with what Douglas Murray and many other critics of public policy claim is a long-term project to overwhelm British institutions and, in time, impose a Caliphate. Many politicians and their families have been threatened by the Islamists within their constituencies, while Sir David Amess was assassinated.
Has any Pakistani or other Muslim come forward against or spoken out about these outrages? None. Why? Because they are either complict or scared out of their wits. British politicians and their constituents of all ethnic groups and faiths are afraid. Very afraid.
While there are over 500 mosques in London, these Muslims chose to pray on the grounds of Westminster Abbey, the most sacred site in the Anglican Church.
Can it happen here?
The basis of Western participatory democracy is the individual voter while Muslims and some other ethnic communities within their Western adoptive countries vote as a bloc; that is, individual voters are forced to elect the candidate approved by their religious leaders who double as community spokespersons. To defy one's religious leaders is to become "apostate," a crime worthy of death according to the Quran. Radical Islamists routinely label their fellow critics as apostates in order to justify killing them.
A more Neanderthal commentator might point out the obvious: what good is it to give women the vote when they use it only to further the goals of their male religious leaders, especially when those goals involve the deconstruction of the democracy that gave them suffrage in the first place?
Currently, three-quarters of London's bouroughs are overwhelmingly Muslim and many smaller cities and towns are Muslim dominated. London's current Lord Mayor, Sadiq Khan, himself a "moderate" Muslim and Labour Party adherent (Prime Minister Keir Starmer is Labour Party leader), enjoys a personal security detail, something above and beyond the dreams of ordinary Britons exposed to the lawlessness and political chicanery driven by his more extremist constituents. Ironically, Khan, who sucked up to extremist Muslims during his first election campaign, was reelected on promises of a "safer, fairer, and greener capital city."
During the Islamist ’90s, Khan’s brother-in-law, Makbool Javaid, was affiliated with, and listed as spokesperson for, the now-banned terrorist group al-Muhajiroun, founded by the hate preacher Omar Bakri Muhammad, and then led by the infamous fanatic Anjem Choudary.
" In 2003, he (Sadiq Khan) appeared at a conference alongside Sajeel Abu Ibrahim, a member of that same banned al-Muhajiroun. Sajeel ran a camp in Pakistan that trained the 7/7 bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan. Speaking there, too, was one Yasser al-Siri, who had been convicted in Egypt over a political assassination attempt that left a young girl dead.
"In 2004, Khan gave evidence to the House of Commons in his capacity as the chair of the Muslim Council of Britain’s legal affairs committee. This is the same Muslim Council of Britain that chose to condole the recent Ahmedi murder victim in Glasgow, by declaring Ahmedis not Muslim.
In his MCB capacity, Khan argued in Parliament that the Muslim Brotherhood cleric Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi “is not the extremist that he is painted as being.” - Maajid Nawaz
Young white girl is targeted by a gang of migrant women. Source: X
Vote share per candidate. Source: BBC
Heading into Khan's 2024 third term as Lord Mayor, the security he promised Londoners has somehow eluded them. Official figures published a week after election day showed knife crime in London up 20% over the previous year. Over eight years (Khan's previous two terms in office) the increase was even greater. Only 48 hours before election day, there was widespread shock and revulsion at the death of 14-year-old Daniel Anjorin, killed in a sword attack in Hainault. Four police officers and two civilians were wounded during the same incident.
Public domain images.
Sadiq Khan governs the UK capital thanks to the Muslim vote without which he would be an unknown. This does not devalue his actual achievements nor does it elevate his failures to anything better than what they are: failures to deliver on campaign promises. Non-Muslim Britons who have taken to the streets in protest call those campaign promises "lies," at the same time that they tar all Muslims with the same brush.
Recent London news. Screengrab via Google, August 18, 2024
Beyond Southport
The recent Southport massacre involving the brutal knife murders of three small children and the wounding of many more by a British-born son of immigrants from Sudan (a Christian although that information was withheld from an indignant public), ignited a backlash by the minority white population of Southport and other communities over the never-ending spate of murders, rapes, suicide bombings, and other outrages suffered at the hands of what are now considered unwelcome arrivals. It's not the Hong Kongers, Hindus, or Ukraininan refugees they are protesting against, many of whom have joined their ranks. It's unvetted migrants in general, and Muslims in particular, that have them fearful and incensed.
"In 1999, I lived in Whitechapel in London. Right opposite the tube station is a mosque (East London Mosque). I was walking to the tube station wearing jeans, t-shirt, and an expensive pair of designer sunglasses. A Muslim man wearing traditional clothing walked up to me as I was passing the mosque, and he punched me in the face. My sunglasses were knocked sideways into the bridge of my nose and he grabbed them and threw them into the road. No one did anything. My face was bruised and I was in shock. I stumbled into the road to pick up my glasses and all the cars were hooting. No passersby helped me. I went to the police station in Whitechapel and they said..."There's nothing we can do." - withheld by author for security
Unvetted source
In July of 2011, three men used a van and knives to kill four persons and injure 48 others in a terrorist attack in London. One woman was stabbed 15 times while her attackers shouted “This is for Allah!” The litany of atrocities grows longer each day, too much to list in any blog article. The seemingly never-ending rapes and killings quickly become stale news.
Please click on the image to read the essay.
The Manchester suicide bomber was a second-generation Muslim immigrant whose family failed to assimilate. Who is to blame for their failure?
Shall society lay the blame on Sadiq Khan, Keir Starmer, or the Labour Party? On Nigel Farage? On the Tories? None of their children were killed or injured in the Manchester Arena bombing. Perhaps if they had been, Britain's leadership, both Muslim and Christian, would be following the example of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and other fed-up countries in dealing with incompatible cultures and religions.
The role of "White Guilt"
The future of any society can be predicted with a reasonably degree of accuracy by simply acknowledging what is taught in a nation's schools. The Woke notion that contemporary white persons, especially white men, are wholly responsible for the historic abuses of colonialism is a red herring designed to dupe those millions of naivettes who have not studied history. Unfortunately, this skewed, trendista notion of history is taught in many British and American schools.
The ages-old technique of instilling a guilt complex in children at an impressionable age has served the Catholic Church and other religious institutions well over the centuries. With the vacuum created by the widespread abandoning of traditional religion in the West, the religion of Woke has rushed in to fill the void. The raging anti-Semitism that has emerged from the pro-Palestine movement on university campuses and across the social and economic classes in Western cities finds its roots in the perceived guilt of the Jewish people for having rejected and killed Jesus Christ. Having largely jettisoned Jesus from our lives, we nonetheless hold Jews responsible for killing him.
Woke, with its potent doctrine of white guilt, has managed to turn logic and reason on its head in a shameless perversion of history. Critical Race Theory (CRT), while addressing racism as a serious issue in contemporary Western society, mimics the most erroneous and aggregious chapters of the Quran, spawning such Orwellian sects as Queers for Palestine and intersectional feminism's latest pact with darkness.
Western leaders have caved-in to the woke premise that Islamist terror and the jihad phenomenon in the world are entirely creations of 19th century empire building (me bad!) despite their seventh century genesis. That a working alliance between Islam and intersectional feminism can lead to women’s rights and equal opportunities in a better world is a poison pill that no informed, thinking person would willingly swallow, yet thousands of young persons across Western university campuses have succumbed to the hoax. Islam is the patriarchy on steriods and a zero-sum game for women.
The woke Left will, to their horror, eventually wake up to the fact that the enemy of one’s enemy is not necessarily one’s friend.
One must at some point acknowledge that the labels "Left" and "Right" do not exist on a flat spectrum. Like the earth itself, the curve is circular. Go far enough to the Left and one becomes in every sense far-Right, and vice-versa. That intersection is where dictatorial powers find their genesis and raison d'etre. Both the far-Left and far-Right are enemies of Free Speech, the indisputable cornerstone of Western democracy. All the great dictators from Hitler to Stalin to Mao knew this and used the principle to usurp power and maintain control of their respective societies. Keir Starmer in UK and Donald Trump in USA seek tools to do the same.
In the end, Woke is no match for Islamic fundamentalism. Leaders of ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas, Yemen's Houthis, Iran's Ayatollahs, and other Islamist terror organizations bent on world domination, recognize the exact definition of "woke idiot."
Caving-in to Woke
Are schools and public libraries ready to shred all books except the Quran? Will boards of education revert to teaching flat earth theory and the notion that rainfall is not caused by solar evaporation of moisture but instead is sent directly by God? These are, in fact, theories taught in madrassas throughout the Muslim world, including Islamic schools in Western countries. Pious Muslim immigrants insist on keeping their children out of the public school system or, when attending, they demand prayer rooms, special cafeterias, and other non-mainstream perks unavailable to other students. They demand their newly acquired civil rights, a notion they never enjoyed in their home countries, to practice the tenets of their religion in whatever public spaces they occupy.
When Muslim immigrants to Western countries demand prayer rooms in public spaces such as schools, airports, and train depots, and take issue with school authorities regarding their freedom-of-religion-based right to wear clothing that hides their identity or to conduct prayer sessions in public-funded spaces, they are using the democratic system to dismantle it. When politicians like Sadiq Khan suck up to ethic groups that vote as blocs then fail to deliver on promises of security and prosperity, they poison the well for everyone.
Countries such as Canada with its super-woke Prime Minister who favours uncontrolled immigration and shields international criminals from prosecution for terrorist acts committed in their home countries and abroad have already succumbed to the pressure. Like their fear of feminist organizations that lodge complaints with local law societies about court judgements they dislike and un-woke judges they want disbarred, Canadian civil and criminal court magistrates charged with sentencing Muslim terrorists and even common criminals are themselves terrified of reprisals from the Muslim community at large.
Canada 2024. Preaching jihad from Parliament Hill. Source: X
After the United Kingdom, Canada is currently the most welcoming place for jihadis, domestic abusers, drug traffickers, rapists, and common criminals who are free to misbehave with little fear of retribution under the law, so long as police, prosecutors, and judges fear repercussions from the ethnic community. Multiculturalism has led to a lawless society or, at best, uneven application of the law.
There 866 mosques in Canada, yet Muslim men block mid-day traffic in downtown Toronto.
"You are never getting your country back!" Africans waving British and Irish passports.
Where multiculturalism thrives
Skyline of Singapore's downtown core. Image credit: Ray in Manila. CC BY 2.0 Licence
In a vain effort to blame a manufactured far-Right for the current social unrest in his country, newly anointed Prime Minister Starmer has surely studied contemporary authoritarian societies that adminster to multi-ethnic populations. Or perhaps he hasn't. All wannabe dictators dream the same dream.
One kind of intolerance (the intolerance embedded in Islam) inevitably leads to another (the intolerance embedded in the authoritarian state). Among the creations of British colonialism for which white people today are deemed accountable, Singapore stands out for its thriving economy and as a model of multiculturalism.
While Singapore is a dictatorship dressed up as a participatory democracy, nobody is complaining. Why? Because the streets of Singapore are clean (chewing gum is an indictable offense), drug use and trafficking are met with the death penalty, caning is the punishment for corruption, vandalism, and other lesser crimes and misdemeanors, while everyone is encouraged and free to make money hand over fist. And they do. Singapore is among the safest and most desireable cities of the world to live.
Some years ago, I took local buses around Singapore in search of raw ivory, a proscribed material that is politically incorrect and attracts penalties in many jurisdictions for selling, purchasing, or even possessing, but is available in that city where commerce is king. I noted that every bus driver was able to speak with passengers in at least three languages: English, Chinese, and Malay. It wasn't the triumph of education that deserved credit, but the reality of children of different ethnic groups playing together safely in playgrounds and sports venues and in the streets without plotting to murder one another. I stayed with a Malay family whose breadwinner, a construction worker by trade, also spoke fluent Chinese. Singapore and Israel/Palestine, to cite only one example, are light years apart.
Multiculturalism thrives in Singapore while Britain burns and America fidgets about border walls. The reason is simple: Singapore is a very authoritarian society.
Blocking traffic without a permit constitutes a criminal offense in Singapore.
Where multiculturalism is even possible, it thrives in a super-authoritarian environment where business and commerce remain unencumbered but stepping out of line attracts a draconian response from the state. The Singaporean model encourages and promotes trade and prosperity while remaining very intolerant of every kind of crime or practice that violates others' ability to become rich. Singapore allows diversity but only so long as it does not impact the economy or threaten its citizens' wellbeing.
No doubt that China's Xi Jinping has his eye on Singapore as an economic model for his new China. Nonetheless, China is intolerant of Islamists within its borders as it eagerly watches the disintegration of Western democracies under the influx of an incompatible religion.
The road to authoritarianism is paved with Woke
Despite the Singaporean (i.e., authoritarian) model, the intolerance embedded in Islam is incompatible with the tolerance of diversity inherent in Western democratic systems of governance; hence, the rapid erosion of Western society under the impact of millions of intolerant immigrants. While Western governments scramble to cope with the massive social and economic problems caused by uncontrolled migration, they repeatedly employ the wrong formulae.
In response to the recent unrest in Britain following the Southport murders - which incidentally were not commited by a migrant Muslim but the impression that they were was given to the public via a police coverup and social media misinformation - Prime Minister Starmer has proposed, or rather threatened, to resort to extremely authoritarian measures to enforce his interpretation of events instead of addressing the massive policy failure that successive governments have visited on the British people.
Starmer is calling for widespread implementation of Artificial Intelligenge (AI) and facial recognition software to control dissent, the thin edge of a very ugly wedge. The UK government's Counter Disinformation Unit, an espionage agency that, unlike MI5 and other security agencies, is totally opaque and above scrutiny by Parliament, has been actively threatening and coercing internet service providers and social media platforms that allow dissenters to express opinions not in line with the current government's POV. It's mission is to silence free speech in whatever way possible. In other words, it operates in a Stalinist environment to control thought. Facial recognition software is already in use in several locations in the UK, the most surveilled country on the planet.
The Counter Disinformation Unit hates Elon Musk (net worth: $241 billion).
Most persons in the West don't know what AI and facial recognition software is or appreciate its potential to curtail their freedoms and instill compliance in a population through the deterrent of fear. If you want to deconstruct a democracy in favour of a police state, then facial recognition software is your go-to.
A friend of mine who is a native of Hong Kong recently visited the Chinese city of Shenzen, located just across the border from Hong Kong's New Territories. She decided to jaywalk across a major thoroughfare in the city. Before she reached the opposite curb, her photo ID appeared across a billboard-size screen facing the intersection, warning that her next infraction would attract serious penalties. Instant public shaming. But it gets worse.
Attract enough black marks in the data base and your ATM card will be rejected from money machines. Your credit and debit cards will be rejected when attempting to make purchases in every store, that is, no access to food, fuel, or transport. As societies move toward a digital, rather than cash, economy, governments use AI to marginalize those who do not comply lockstep with their programmes of indoctrination and control. This is, in fact, the situation almost everywhere in China today, and we haven't even mentioned the country's total control of social media and the internet.
David Starkey, CBE, broadcaster and former lecturer at the London School of Economics, warms Britons that the authoritarianism of Prime Mininster Keir Starmer can only lead to sectarian violence and bloodshed.
What Western leaders are proposing
The hottest topic among the British, and to a lesser extent American, ruling class is the pre-emptive apprehension and prosecution of potential dissenters. Say something they don't like, even if it's the furthest thing from hate speech, and a blogger or Twitterite can find themselves behind bars. Nevermind that Islam itself is a religion that promotes hatred of Kaffars (non-Muslims) and calls for the annihilation of all Christians and Jews. Apparently, that's okay. The horrific vilification and persecution of dissenting white men such as Tommy Robinson at the hands of the UK establishment is a case in point.
The excuse for this quantum leap in authoritarianism in Britain is the assertion that any person, regardless of skin colour or religion, who objects to unsafe streets, rampant crime, and widespread molestation of women, not to mention the stabbings, beheadings, and suicide bombings of recent years, is a far-Right hooligan. Starmer's government, along with every government from Tory to Labour of the past two decades, is desperate to bury its mistakes rather than implement workable solutions going forward.
Why? Because the British ruling elite, even those who purport to represent the working classes, don't hold real jobs. They are just as self-centred, self-important, greedy for power, and blind as the corporate elite to which they continue to kowtow. Their sole mission is to protect their own group ethos, society be damned.
Worst of all, they are in deep denial. As the Muslim voting bloc approaches the total combined vote of other segments in society, the Caliphate and Sharia will someday replace Parliament and British Common Law, the Monarchy, and all other British institutions, and the UK will become yet another ruined, basket case country with a failed economy and out-of-control social unrest; in other words, it will become a carbon copy of almost every other Muslim country of the world.
This phenomenon is not unique to the United Kingdom. France is in far worse shape with the widespread murder of journalists and artists, beheading of teachers, a spike in rapes, and a 2024 Paris Olympics that has succeeded in offending practically everyone.
Four wives are the key to revolution
This man does not speak for all Muslims.
The most popular name for newborns in the Netherlands - arguably the world's most tolerant nation that has, to its regret, allowed intolerant religions and ethnic groups to relocate within its borders - for two years in a row has been Muhammed. It’s also the most popular baby name in the United Kingdom, a cryptic reminder from immigrant parents that the one figure they most revere and hope their son will emulate is not King Charles III but a seventh century warlord, pedophile, and the undisputed father of jihad.
A recent Pew Report suggests that, even with zero immigration going forward, Europe’s Muslim population could triple by 2050 simply because Muslim immigrants are younger by 13 years and have a higher fertility rate of one child more per woman, on average, than other Europeans whose population (1.2 children per couple) is falling. By 2050, all those baby Muhammeds will be coming of age, just in time to “find their faith.” The Manchester Arena suicide bomber was a second-generation British-Muslim citizen who, according to his mother, had "found his faith."
In 2018, Dean Haydon, head of the London police counter-terrorism command, warned of children influenced by the Islamic State coming back to Britain to carry out attacks, the so-called kindergarten jihadis. “Some terror groups are training children to commit atrocities,” he said of the risks posed by returnees. “We need to not just understand the risk the mother poses but the risk that any child poses as well.”
To place this widespread paranoia into perspective, over 1,000 German-born Muslims and more from other European host countries have joined ISIS. British authorities confirm that over 40,000 radical Islamists reside in the country while over 4,000 of those are committed to jihad. Some 350 British jihadis have already returned to the UK from combat in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, but the British government is too intimidated to strip them of citizenship, pull their passports, and deport them, despite the mandated forfeiture of citizenship for anyone fighting on behalf of a foreign power, in this case against British, French, and American forces.
As the Muslim voter base in Western countries continues to grow – 70% of London’s boroughs are majority Muslim and other towns in UK are almost entirely Muslim – pressure to set aside British values in favour of a rigid, unyielding system of governance promulgated in the Arabian desert some 13 centuries ago metastasizes like a slow-growing cancer at the core of a once vibrant democratic society. Britain is slipping back into the Dark Ages. Its once admirable infrastructure and enchanting towns and villages have fallen into decay. Its National Health Service is crumbling. Its economy is in free-fall. Public education is in a deplorable state. Poverty and social unrest are rampant.
Citing concerns for their personal safety, more and more politicians abstain from voting on contentious issues or step away from re-election. White guilt, flawed economic notions, an open-door policy on immigrantion, and overly generous social assistance schemes paint Islamists as victims rather than determined agents of a politico-religious movement bent on overthrowing the Western democracies. Being a former human rights lawyer who catered to a Muslim clientele, Prime Minister Starmer is deaf to the cries of the majority of Britains who include not only whites, but persons of every other ethnic group, race, and religion, including moderate Muslims.
As authoress Ayn Rand pointed out, “In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit.”
Are there no solutions?
As popular economist and social philosopher Thomas Sowell points out: "There are no solutions, only trade-offs." Nonetheless, there needs to be a starting point from which to extract the Western democracies from a juggarnaut that can only lead to further widespread misery and bloodshed.
On a limited scale, multiculturalism has been shown to work inside specific institutions. The success of educational institutes such as Michaela Community School in London can conceivably be scaled up, but the programme will show results only over time. The solution requires generations to implement. Politicians are generally disinterested in solutions that do not bear transactable fruit within the short periods between elections.
The extremely successful Michaela School teaches traditional academic subjects in traditional ways with emphasis on British history and traditions which it encourages immigrant students to adopt and acknowledge as their own. The keyword is "traditions." British history is their history too, not just the exclusive bailiwick of whites. The school's curriculum emphasizes social responsibility and cooperation in a caring, humanistic environment - essentially the Christian values that have shaped British society and made it so successful over many centuries. Caring for others is also embedded in the Quran and the holy books of other religions. Rather than producing angry, guilt-ridden white men and women, and angry resentful persons of colour, the school's children will enter adult society as a cohesive bloc of non-racist, non-sectarian citizens dedicated to creating a better society.
Nonetheless, Mchaela Community School with Katharine Birbalsingh as headteacher and Suella Braverman as its first chair of governors has come under fire from radical Muslims. A recent Supreme Court decision in favour of the the school quashed a lawsuit launched by a Muslim parent demanding that the school allow massive prayer sessions in the school's common spaces and provide dedicated prayer rooms, contrary to the school's policy of shared non-sectarian facilities for all students. Michaela students are allowed to wear headscarves (Muslims), bangles (Hindus), turbans (Sikhs), but anything that infringes on the personal space of others is prohibited.
The failed lawsuit cost taxpayer 150,000 pounds in public assistance to the Muslim parents who launched it, while the school itself bore the initial cost of its own defense. The court ruled that Michaela Community School, being a privately run institution, had a right to set its own standards and therefore did not violate anyone's civil rights. The school's response was to tell the parents to find a more suitable institute for their child's education. A madrassa, perhaps?
The Madrassa (Islamic school) where children are taught to memorize Quranic verses. No skills, no knowledge, groomed to become unemployed religious fanatics and suicide bombers.
In both 2022 and 2023, the value-added (progress) score for Michaela Community School at GCSE was the highest for any school in England.
Recommendations and path forward
Following are some recommendations for curtailing the social unrest caused by two decades of uncontrolled immigration.
Unless citizens really want Fuehrer Starmer in the UK and President-for-Life Trump in the USA, they had better stand up for change. Joining the much maligned "far-Right" would be a good start.
First and foremost, stop illegal immigration. People arriving in boats, climbing border walls, or losing their passports on incoming flights need to be returned to their countries of origin, even at taxpayers' expense. The longterm benefit will be an overall reduction of arrivals, thereby allowing society time to absorb the millions of migrants already inside the country. We're talking econoic migrants here, not bonafide refugees. Even a model of multiculturalism such as Singapore cannot maintain stability and cohesion without borders.
Vet all legal immigrants who qualify for jobs wherein there are actual shortages. There has never been any shortage of native-born persons willing to clean toilets.
Investigate and close fake schools and sketchy universities that profit by selling student visas. Applicants to these schools often do not show up for classes after arrival in the country or attend one or two classes then drop out to take low paying jobs in the black economy while sponsoring other family members. A foreign student in UK is allowed to bring in his/her wife/husband and children under the same student visa. Student visas are a broad umbrella for the influx of jihadis. This dynamic needs to end.
Deport domestic abusers, bigamists, and sex offenders, regardless of what their religion dictates or permits, as well as those guilty of serious crimes (assault, sexual molestation, rape, drug trafficking, theft, murder) back to their countries of origin. Immigrant grooming gangs and drug rings are prime examples of persons deserving of deportation. Why spend millions annually to house them in prisons when that money could be dedicated to assimilating law abiding newcomers?
Prohibit contract marriages and marriage between cousins. Marriage should not be a basis for acquiring citizenship or even a residence visa.
Require both first and second-generation immigrants to undergo aculturation training as a condition of continued residence and before citizenship can be acquired. Being born in a country should not automatically confer citizenship. Such programmes are already being implemented in some Nordic countries.
Prohibit home schooling except for bonafide health reasons.
Remove all religious symbols and gear from schools and other public institutions. Either we are a secular society or we are not. No chapels, no prayer rooms, no crucifixes, no burquas or hijabs within publicly funded spaces. No imams with bullhorns intoning prayers in public spaces. No blocking of streets or invasions of private or public property by hordes of prostrate men.
No tolerance of parallel legal systems such as Sharia. Those invoking or executing physical (restraints, lashings, and executions) or economic punishment (fines) under parallel legal systems should be arrested and tried as criminals under legislation designed to ensure the predominance and security of the national legal system. Those implicated in honour killings and maimings should be tried and punished.
Revoke the citizenship and pull the passport of any confirmed participant in listed terror groups that seek to undermine the democratic process. British and American citizens leaving their home country to fight for ISIS should feel the door hitting them in the arse.
Initiate programs to curtail out-of-control real estate development and regulate/rejig markets to make it possible for young persons of all races and religions to acquire their own homes. Stop the influx of foreign capital from dubious sources that is inflating real estate markets. There is no reason that the current generation of Europeans is having less than 1.2 children per couple other than that they cannot afford to support a family. Housing is out of reach due to the scourge of corporate landlording and the laundering of foreign money in the real estate sector.
Initiate programs that permit families to live on a single income. Dismantle the gig economy and curtail corporate takeovers. Provide incentives for small business, especially for young persons and new arrivals.
The alternative is far too unnerving to consider. Both Britain and the United States, along with practically every European nation, have experienced civil war. For Spaniards, Bosnians, Serbs, Croats, Sudanese, and many others, the consequences of civil war are within living memory. No Spaniard wants to go back to the resultant authoritarianism of the Franco regime (1939-1974), but that is where Europe is headed if it insists on pursuing a disfunctional multicultural model.
The only short-term way to cope with the negative consequences of multiculturalism is for Western societies to become much less democratic and far more authoritarian, hence the current shift to the Right (Melloni in Italy, Orbán in Hungary, LePen in France, Trump in USA). There are alternatives, but national leaders remain disinterested as the general public takes to the streets, only to be erroneously labelled Right-wing thugs, villified in the mainstream media, bludgeoned by police, and imprisoned by a system held hostage by unscrupulous politicians and woke idiots.
Does anybody want that kind of society? Is Fascism better than Islamism? From a certain perspective, perhaps it is. But it probably isn't. Does Prime Minister Starmer think that a Caliphate will allow his stodgy, overly entitled clique to continue their privileged lifestyle?
Do King Charles III and Queen Camilla, conspicuous by their silence, expect to hold onto their crowns?
Immigrants coming together
As the principle stakeholders in Michaela CommunitySchool have shown, it is possible to integrate the children of diverse ethic and religious groups into a cohesive society going forward, even as contemporary society finds itself on an opposing trajectory. The key is quality education, but no education system can function under the pressure of millions of new arrivals without a massive infusion of resourses and rejigging of its approach to teaching. This simply isn't going to happen.
Moderate Muslims, although conspicuously silent when the events of October 7, 2023 in Israel are mentioned, don't want a Caliphate in the UK or any other Western country. They came to Europe and the USA to escape the repressive and, frankly, barbaric aspects of Islam and enjoy the high standard of living achieved by progressive Western society. The fact that they and their ancestors contributed nothing to create that lifestyle should not be an impediment to their integration and participation going forward. Unfortunately, that is not what their more radical coreligionists want. If the current trend continues, they will find themselves back where they started, conditions in their host countries having come to resemble those of the countries they once fled.
The first, and most rational, step is to shut the valve and stop the inflow of migrants whose value systems don't align with the majority of citizens in the host country, although it may already be too late. History tells us that social change demands time and is often accompanied by bloodshed, and that the achievements of Western civilization are not bullet-proof.
There are umpteen examples of this process of societal disintegration, Lebanon being the most graphic. Once a thriving, secular, predominantly Christian nation that tolerated all religions, the so-called "Paris of the Middle East," Lebanon has been turned into an Islamic grand mal nightmare. Those who remember the old Lebanon have mostly fled to France and other Western countries where the same process is repeating itself.
Where do Britains, the French, the Germans, and, to a lesser extent, Americans, think they can flee to?