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The Impending War on Humankind

The Taliban has passed new laws banning women from looking at men they are not related to, talking too loudly, and singing or reading in public. Image source: @VividProwess via X

What distiguishes intersectional feminism, from other social movements is its propensity for pacts with darkness.

How its current alliance with radical Islam, which has always been a zero-sum game for women, can advance the universal struggle for women's liberation from the patriarchy is anybody's guess. But hey, when has logic ever played a part in Wokery? What's happening across the board is absolutely Orwellian, so don't try and figure it out.

Women don't need to be liberated from men. Instead, they need to be liberated from rape culture. How is that not a no-brainer?

Rape culture is embedded in Islam

Islamic fundamentalist movements have made rape a cornerstone of their agenda and a potent incitement for poorly educated, pious males to act out their darkest fantasies. The horrendous statistics around sexual molestation and rapes of European women by Muslim migrants notwithstanding, a refusal to submit to sexual exploitation results in execution in ISIS-held territories of Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. The Taliban, whom America placed in power on two occasions, are hardly more genial. The lead image in this essay is from Kabul.

Thousands of Palestinian men cheer after Al-Aqsa (Jerusalem) Mosque's Imam vowed to re-establish ISIS in order to force Islam and Sharia laws on the Christian world. Christian men will be forced to convert or be killed while Christian women and chidren will be sold as slaves and raped to death, as ISIS terrorists did to the Yazidi minorities in Iraq and Syria.

Many thousands of Yazidi women have been brutalized, raped, and sold in the slave markets everywhere ISIS operates. These sex slave auctions attract buyers from across the Muslim world, especially Saudi Arabia, an American ally and key player in Middle Eastern politics. Saudi Arabia is among the richest of the petro-dollar spoiled Arab states.

The difference between the Yazidi and other Iraqis and Syrians is that they are not Muslims. Their religion, caled "Sharfadin" is monotheistic and a distant cousin of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam). More importantly, the Yazidi gene pool is characterized by a large proportion of women with blond hair and blue eyes, prized by Arab men as sex partners. Perhaps this is only relevant in bed where the woman emerges from what is best described as a walking tent.

A Muslim couple in the Netherlands. At least she doesn't need to carry the groceries.

In their concerted effort to expand the horizon for unconstrained rape culture, radical Islamic leaders have deemed any Muslim who refuses to promote their agenda of jihad as "apostate." Apostate makes even pious Muslim women available for rape. Islam has been labelled "the motherlode of bad ideas" for good reason. It hates women.

As a religion, Islam enjoys charitable status in almost all Western countries, especially the USA, Canada, and the United Kingdom where critics, under threat of prosecution, are not allowed to talk about this poison at the heart of their societies.

Image source: X

Any expression of "Islamophobia" has become an indictable offense in many jurisdictions. Meanwhile, radical Islamists defile what is the holiest site for all the Abrahamic religions (Jerusalem's Temple Mount/Al-Aqsa mosque) by publically calling for the annihilation of all non-Muslims. They all share the same God, but WTF!

Source: X

Islam's war on women is fast becoming its war on everybody who doesn't wear a burqua, both men and women. When an individual or group defiles, or otherwise attacks, the sacred sites of any religion, they invite a punitive, profoundly barbaric response that is usually grossly out of proportion to the valdalism that incited it.

The Twin Towers event of September 2001 in the USA is a case in point. Attack the temples of capitalism and see what happens: a 20-year, $2.2 trillion military campaign that left thousands dead, hundreds of thousands wounded, and did not change the dynamic in the Middle East even one iota. But America did get its revenge. Guantanamo is still processing jihadis and their sympathizers.

When the first con man met the first fool

One could say that what fools and fanatics do in their own countries is their own business. As American author Mark Twain observed: "Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool." How Muslims mistreat their women (female genital mutilation, gender apartheid, honour killings and maiming, the burqua) is their own business. But when they export their culture of hatred and repression, it becomes everyone's business.

Are countries like England, France, Germany, and other European nations that have allowed millions of non-European migrants to overwhelm their infrastructure and tax their assistance programmes (nine million in the UK alone, including four million Muslims) headed for civil war? The current social unrest and rioting in the United Kingdom seems to indicate YES. But probably not. What we shall see across the UK and continental Europe is a religious war not unlike the bloody Catholic versus Protestant conflicts of previous centuries that devastated parts of Europe, leading to the Enlightenment and the eventual emergence of today's participatory democracies.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump's 90-day ban on visitor visas for Muslims set woke Democrats and some EU leaders on edge; however, those same European leaders are now biting their nails in the face of a growing storm of public indignation and anger at the crime wave had has emerged from immigrant Muslim communities in every EU country and the UK.

Poland is erecting border walls that would make Donald Trump die of envy and has instructed its police patrols to use live bullets against trespassers. Hungary is following suit. Denmark is enacting draconian legislation in what is likely a futile attempt to turn back the clock. The Netherlands is poised to defy EU policy on migration and initiate a severe backlash.

Meanwhile, UK leaders blame all the turmoil on a non-existent far-Right.

The point is that, for the past two decades, self-serving and out-of-touch politicians have allowed a political movement (Islam is a system of governance that mandates the destruction of all other systems of governance) that is intolerant, undemocratic, and anti-multiculturalism, to inflitrate their societies en masse. In the same way that the AIDS (HIV) virus works to destroy the body's immune system, this alien system of governance uses the democratic process in host countries to dismantle democracy itself. Its aim is to establish an eclectic clique of religious leaders (imams) as ad hoc dictators and a parallel, inherently barbaric, legal system (Sharia) that will eventually relegate democratic governance to the dustbin everywhere in the world.

It's not just the Quran

Burning the Quran is like burning the American Flag. It might infuriate the most pious or patriotic but accomplishes nothing. Those who carry out such stunts know nothing about the root causes, nor do they even care. They simply crave and demand attention at any cost.

The problem with Islam inside Western host countries is not Muslims. The problem is rooted in a phenomenon taking shape within Islam itself, and it isn't the traditional tensions between Sunni and Sheite that is driving it.

Islam has split between two powerful factions: one that recognizes the importance of the nation state in maintaining peace and prosperity in the world, and another that seeks to destroy all nation states and establish a global Caliphate. The one is driven by so-called moderate Muslim leaders such as Saudi Arabia's Mohammed Bin Salman, while the other is represented by ISIS, Boko Haram, and a slew of radical British and European Muslim imams.

Desecrating a society's icons always leads to bloodshed

All human communities have two sacred icons that are inviolable: its places of worship and its idea of womanhood. If the reader needs definition for either, then it's pointless to read on.

Most humans believe in some kind of higher force, be it a dude with a long grey beard in the sky or some more esoteric notion of what drives the universe, and everyone without exception has a mother (except Dolly the cloned sheep).

Desecrate a human community's sacred sites and you're asking for trouble.

There are over 500 mosques in London, but these Muslims decided to worship on the grounds of Westminster Abby, the most sacred site for the Anglican Church. King Charles II, who has been conspicuous by his silence in the face of growing social unrest, is titular head of the Church of England.

Five churches are attacked in France every day. Rouen, Nimes, and Nantes cathedrals were set afire, and the actual cause of the Notre Dame fire that practically destroyed one of Christianity's holiest sites has likely been hidden from the public by a French government under seige by its Muslim population. Like legislation that prohibits release of the names and ethnicity of rapists and murderers, a moratorium on discusssion of the cause of fires in cathedrals provides grist for the conspiracy mill.

The map dates from 2018 and shows many types of Islamist-inspired vandalism, arson, violence, and theft that has occurred in or around churches, as well as attacks on priests.

“Most of those churches have been standing there for hundreds of years, then, all of a sudden, they start catching fire and get destroyed.”

In Nimes, a failed African asylum seeker had been granted shelter in the cathedral under the ancient principle sanctuary wherein a fugitive is safe from agents of the law so long as he/she stays inside a church or chapel. He was facing a 10-year sentence for arson when he slit the throat of the priest who advocated for him.

In the Paris suburb of St. Denis, which is now a predominantly (>70%) Muslim district where French kings are buried, a company of French infantry have been deployed to protect the cathedral and its clergy from Muslim attackers.

After the term "Islamophobia" was invented by the Ayatollahs of Iran as a potent weapon of psychological warfare playing to the woke scenario, the Christianophobia Observatory, a French organization that seeks to highlight what it calls acts of “Christianophobia,” or instances of anti-Christian sentiment, emerged in France and around the world.

Western society under attack

Freedom of speech, freedom to worship, and equal rights for all genders under the law, are the inviolable cornerstones of Western participatory democracy. All three run contrary to the dictates of the Quran. Whether a secular state, an Islamic nation state, or a global Caliphate, Western participatory democracy and Islam are fundamentally incompatible.

The current draconian measures taken by the Starmer government in the UK to curtail freedom of speech by jailing anyone deemed to have expressed "Islamophobia" on social media means that Islamists have achieved their first objective of dismantling free speech.

The Charlie Hebdo massacre, the beheading of teachers in France, and the inaction and silence that followed (no publisher anywhere in the world has the courage to republish the images that led to the slaughter of 12 artists and writers and the wounding of 11 others by Muslim assasins) means that free speech is no longer possible in the European Union.

Freedom to worship is more complicated.

Western societies founded on the non-sectarian (i.e., separation of church and state) principle of religious tolerance struggle to absorb millions of subscribers of a religion that preaches intolerance and stages in-your-face expressions of its distain for and mockery of other religions.

French Muslim men stage prayer session while blocking traffic in Paris and other cities.

The spike in crimes against women perpetrated by Muslims in the United Kingdom and European Union countries is indisputable. Feminism and the #MeToo movement used to talk about "taking back the streets." That voice has been silenced.

Why? Because government aparatus charged with ensuring equal rights for women is totally cowed under the demands of a religion and system of governance predicated on gender apartheid. It has become a sad fact of life that European women can no longer walk their own streets without being harassed, assaulted, and raped by Muslim men.

"In 1999, I lived in Whitechapel in London. Right opposite the tube station is a mosque (East London Mosque). I was walking to the tube station wearing jeans, t-shirt, and an expensive pair of designer sunglasses. A Muslim man wearing traditional clothing walked up to me as I was passing the mosque, and he punched me in the face. My sunglasses were knocked sideways into the bridge of my nose and he grabbed them and threw them into the road. No one did anything. My face was bruised and I was in shock. I stumbled into the road to pick up my glasses and all the cars were hooting. No passersby helped me. I went to the police station in Whitechapel and they said..."There's nothing we can do." - withheld by author for security

Image source: X

On the night of August 6, 2024, masked Muslim vandals attacked Wembley Church and destroyed a statue of the Virgin Mary. Such acts are unbearable for the British people, most of whom subscribe to various versions of Christianity. Disrespect for holy sites is also intolerable for HIndus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and other non-Muslim citizens of the UK who have suffered similar attacks. Naturally, mainstream media is tiptoe-ing around the issue of ethicity in the wake of widespread rioting and vandalism that followed the Southam Murders

Not only is this most recent incident characteristic of the Islamist call to destroy all other religions and systems of governance, but the attack on a statue of Mary, which for all Christians symbolizes the ideal of feminine virtue and motherhood, evidences Muslim degradation of women generally. Again, where is intersectional feminism in all this? Do only atheist women or those subscribing to the new religion of Woke merit their support?

I think not. On the contrary, it has always taken great courage for women to speak out, But like Western politicians, they are simply gobsmacked and very afraid of the monster in their midst.

Reaching an inflection point

In differential calculus and differential geometry, an inflection point is a point on a smooth plane curve at which the curvature changes sign. In terms of social science, let's call it a flash point.

The history of Europe and the British Isles is a lesson in succesive migrations with one culture displacing another over time. "Time" in the context of history means thousands of years. The difference, of course, is that past mass migrations occured on a relatively modest scale wherein invading peoples were gradually absorbed into the native populations for, it might be argued, the beneficial evolution of society. Celts, Romans, Vikings, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Normans all contributed to the evolution and gene pool of what today comprises British society. The English language itself is a bastardization of all their languages. It produced Shakespeare, among many other contributors to shared human patrimony.

Contemporary Western society is bending under the strain of mass migration and a popluation shift of millions within an extremely short period of time, a phenomenon never before seen in human history. The United Kingdom (population: 67 million) cannot absorb one million new arrivals annually without risking collapse. Like earlier Christian invaders who succeeded in imposing their new religion on the local inhabitants, Islamists will succeed in imposing Sharia on the British people. King Charles III, titular head of the Church of England and conspicuous by his silence, is scared shitless.

Western society is rapidly reaching an inflection point.

Can these new arrivals who seek to impose their system of governance on the whole world be compelled to leave as the Poles, Hungarians, and some French and Italians insist they should? If so, how is this accomplished without massive show trials and Inqusition-style deportations?

Highly unlikely.

A more likely outcome will be a massive reversion to sectarian violence and religious war played out across the European continent and, perhaps, in America where there are 440 million guns in the hands of 330 million citizens. Being an enemy that values death more than life, radical Islam is very unlikely to be defeated, as the debacle of Iraq and Afghanistan have already shown. The considerable might of the USA could not even slow it down, never mind stop it.

Not an incitement to violence

This article is not an attempt to incite violence. Instead, it is a plea to moderate Muslims and their leaders to wake up to a struggle in which everyone stands to lose.

There are many areas wherein Islam and Christianity overlap, although gender apartheid and the call for annihilation of world Jewry are not among them. Islam desperately needs to change course if it wants to survive in the West, never mind predominating in the world. It cannot attack the sacred sites of other religions outside the borders of Muslim-ruled countries. It cannot violate non-Muslim women without inspiring backlash. Such attitudes invariably lead to a bloodbath as vigilantism steps in wherever police protection and justice have become impotent.

The proverbial clock is ticking.

A desperate plea to Muslims.

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